Outing & Tournament Inquiry
For Advance Booking for Groups of 16-40 players (2 months out only):
Please fill out the below form and we will get back to you with details:
Complete the Form Here
Interested in setting up recurring tee times for 2025?
We will only book repeat tee times for 16 or more players.
Check back in March 2025 for updated policies on 2025 repeat tee times.
Outings: For Groups looking for Shotgun start & entire course rental
(typically 80+ players)
Please complete this form below & we will get back to you
with availabe dates and respond to your questions.
2025 Outing Prices
Outings will start at 1:00pm
Entire Course Rental
We do not currently offer Fri-Sun or Holiday Outings
Fridays only for 7:30am Double Shotgun
*We offer discounts to our outings if we can coordinate your outing
to be a double shotgun with another outing
Outing Food Menu & Pricing
Contact Doug for additional food questions
$20/pp food minimum for every outing booked

Outing Event Space
The Woods Pavilion at Foxchase is the perfect venue for any group event, whether it's a lunch, dinner, or outdoor wedding. Recently remodeled in 2015 and able to accommodate up to 200 guests, this top of the line event space provides a unique atmosphere and can be kept nice and warm in cooler months by lowering the sides and using outdoor heaters.
Foxchase has been in the outing business for over 30 years and many of our customers have returned time and again. Our chefs specialize in catering weddings and with The Grubbery, our successful outdoor restaurant, you can be assured of quality food every time.
2025 OUTING menu

course overview
Foxchase is a great option for beginners but also offers exciting challenges to keep even the most experienced golfers interested. We have been honored as the favorite golf course in Lancaster by Lancaster County Magazine and our golfer’s return with enthusiasm each time they visit. For those who don’t have their own golf clubs, we offer club rentals in our Pro Shop. Our shop is stocked with a wide range of merchandise to keep your winners happy when they redeem their prizes.
At Foxchase, we take pride in making annual upgrades to our golf carts. Our carts are equipped with bag covers for your golfers to ensure that their bags and clubs stay dry during the round. The well-maintained golf cart paths guarantee a smooth ride. Plus, our golf course is designed for excellent drainage, so even if it rains, play can still commence.
Finally, Foxchase has one of the largest public driving ranges in the area which allows for plenty of practice swings before you hit the course. With all of these features, Foxchase is the golf club to visit!